Urbagora – The first European meeting on the future of urban life. Paris, France Categories: 2018 Timelines: Almanya, Argentina, Arjantin, Birleşik Krallık, Brazil, Brezilya, Central America, Chile, China, Çin, Colombia, Fas, France, Fransa, Germany, Güney Afrika, Hindistan, India, İspanya, Italy, İtalya, Kolombiya, Meksika, Mexico, Morocco, Orta Amerika, Peru, Poland, Polonya, Portekiz, Portugal, Russia, Rusya, Şili, South Africa, Spain, Tayland, Thailand, Turkey, Türkiye, Ukraine, Ukrayna, United Kingdom, Vietnam
Announcement Date : 9 Mart 2018
On the 5th & 6th of April, in Paris, the Megacities Institute association, co-founded by Allianz, Bosch, and GiPA, will host the event Urbagora. Two topics will take centre stage during this event; the future of urban life will be discussed in-depth on 5th April, with mobility in all its forms being the focus on 6th April.
For any further information: http://www.megacities-Institute.org/urbagora – Contact : Eric Devos and Odette Dantas