Innovative training supports Categories: 2017 Timelines: Almanya, Argentina, Arjantin, Birleşik Krallık, Brazil, Brezilya, Central America, Chile, China, Çin, Colombia, Fas, France, Fransa, Germany, Güney Afrika, Hindistan, India, İspanya, Italy, İtalya, Kolombiya, Meksika, Mexico, Morocco, Orta Amerika, Peru, Poland, Polonya, Portekiz, Portugal, Russia, Rusya, Şili, South Africa, Spain, Tayland, Thailand, Turkey, Türkiye, Ukraine, Ukrayna, United Kingdom, Vietnam
Announcement Date : 21 Ekim 2017
With solutions such as e-learning, serious games, and many other options, aftermarket professionals can now learn without ever leaving the workshop. What training topics are covered ? Are these new methods and avenues to support learning efficient ?
For any further information: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KuENpJ3sTCY&t=199s