Foundation of the “Megacities Institute” Categories: 2017 Timelines: Almanya, Arjantin, Birleşik Krallık, Brezilya, Çin, Fas, Fransa, Güney Afrika, Hindistan, İspanya, İtalya, Kolombiya, Meksika, Orta Amerika, Peru, Polonya, Portekiz, Rusya, Şili, Tayland, Türkiye, Ukrayna, Vietnam
Announcement Date : 21 Mart 2017
The aim of the “Megacities Institute” is to study the variety of solutions implemented by the megacities around the world to solve these problems, assess them and disseminate them. The Institute is thus looking to promote new solutions based on current and future technologies, to make these cities more welcoming to humans and indeed to all living species as a whole. Finally, the Institute will attempt to identify the expectations of the populations by questioning them and involving them in various initiatives.
For any further information, please click on the link CP01_ENG_Megacities Institute Foundation_GiPA