Aftermarket 2025 : GiPA presented the main aftermarket trends at the Marketing Congress of the German parts manufacturers association. Categories: 2016 Timelines: インド, ウクライナ, コロンビア, スペイン, タイ, チリ, トルコ, ドイツ, フランス, ブラジル, ベトナム, ペルー, ポルトガル, ポーランド, メキシコ, モロッコ, ロシア, 中国, 中米, 南アフリカ共和国, 英国, 아르헨티나, 이탈리아
Announcement Date : 27 4月 2016
GiPA participated to the Marketing Congress organized by VREI on the topic “Aftermarket 2025: challenges, opportunities and trends”. This event was organized in Frankfurt on 27.04.2016. Eric Devos and Gwenael de Calan shared their view on the future of the automotive aftermarket with over 100 participants attending the congress.