10th GiPA Day Categories: 2018 Timelines: インド, ウクライナ, コロンビア, スペイン, タイ, チリ, トルコ, ドイツ, フランス, ブラジル, ベトナム, ペルー, ポルトガル, ポーランド, メキシコ, モロッコ, ロシア, 中国, 中米, 南アフリカ共和国, 英国, 아르헨티나, 이탈리아
Announcement Date : 14 12月 2018
On the 18th January 2019, GiPA will be hosting its 10th GiPA Day at the Sheraton Frankfurt Airport.
Presentations during the day will tackle the following topics:
- The challenge of the hybrid car maintenance
- Millennial aftermarket opportunities
- Merging at each level of the aftersales players: benefits and risks
For any further information, please contact your GiPA country manager: https://www.gipa.eu/contact-us/