GiPA’s 8th international meeting in Frankfurt Categories: 2017, News Timelines: America cantrale, Argentina, Brasile, Cile, Cina, Colombia, Francia, Germania, India, Italia, Marocco, Messico, Peru, Polonia, Portogallo, Regno Unito, Russia, Spagna, Sud Africa, Tailandia, Turchia, Ucraina, Vietnam
Announcement Date : 19 Gennaio 2017
GiPA’s 8th international meeting will take place in Frankfurt the 19th of January 2017. This meeting is an opportunity to meet GiPA’s country managers coming from 13 countries all over the world (Asia, Africa, South America, Central America, Europe) and to share with them the international point of view concerning the automotive sector. Before meeting the country managers, GiPA will provide an analysis and comparison between the automotive sectors of the different countries. The participants represent parts manufacturers, repair networks, vehicle manufacturers, tyre manufacturers, lubricant specialists… The participants represent parts manufacturers, repair networks, vehicle manufacturers, tyre manufacturers, lubricant specialists…
For any further information, click on the file GiPA_8th international meeting_Frankfurt_19 01 2017