Chinese drivers’ behaviour suitable to 300 km EVs’ range Categories: 2017, News Timelines: Alemania, Argentina, Brasil, Centroamérica, Chile, China, Colombia, España, Francia, India, Italia, Marruecos, México, Perú, Polonia, Portugal, Reino Unido, Rusia, Sudáfrica, Tailandia, Turquía, Ucrania, Vietnam
Announcement Date : 26 octubre 2017
According to the lastest study carried out by GiPA on behalf of the Megacities Institute, released at the Autonomy show in Paris on the 21st of October 2017, Chinese drivers’ habits mean the most appropriate electric vehicles range to 300 km.
For any further information: http://www.journalauto.com/lja/article.view/27241/la-chine-propice-aux-ve-a-300-km-d-autonomie/1/constructeurs