How Italian drivers behaviour is changing? Categories: 2023, News Timelines: Argentina, Brazil, Central America, Chile, China, Colombia, France, Germany, India, Italy, Mexico, Morocco, Peru, Poland, Portugal, Russia, South Africa, Spain, Thailand, Turkey, Ukraine, United Kingdom, Vietnam
Announcement Date : 18 May 2023
Italian drivers behaviour: how will it affect the automotive aftermarket?
Highlights on 3 trends from 31st Italian Drivers plenary
– Motorbikes and scooters are in competition with car usage
For families equipped with these vehicles, the mileage by car in 2022 has remained at lock-down levels, while for families who do not have this alternative, the mileage has returned to pre-crisis values.
How much will this new cross-industry competition affect automotive aftermarket turnover in the coming months?
– Use of cars decreased in large urban centres: the only ones able to offer alternative mobility services in Italy
– Need for maintenance: with the progressive aging of the Italian car parc, the need for maintenance of older cars support the Aftermarket growth, representing today a significant business potential, both in terms of mechanics but also and above all for the bodywork business. More and more drivers decide to maintain and repair even the bodywork damages neglected in the past.
Would you like to know more about Italian automotive aftermarket? Contact GiPA at: communication@gipa.eu