OE Market Share resist in Spain Categories: 2023, News Timelines: Argentina, Brazil, Central America, Chile, China, Colombia, France, Germany, India, Italy, Mexico, Morocco, Peru, Poland, Portugal, Russia, South Africa, Spain, Thailand, Turkey, Ukraine, United Kingdom, Vietnam
Announcement Date : 18 May 2023
OE Networks in Spain: market shares resistance
We all believed that official OE networks market share was going to erode due to the last three years sales figures in Spain, with a lack of young cars registration and a drop in the number of potential customers. However, If we look closely to the figures, the end of 2022 shows a market share of 20% compared to 21% the previous year. The resistance to the loss of quota on the part of the official networks is explained by the following effects:
- The increase in the sale of hybrid and electric cars, technologically more advanced, means that the official network retains these drivers in a better way than drivers with traditional combustion cars.
- The guarantees and extensions of guarantees to 3-4-5 years, “anchor” the client to the official network, not only having repercussions in maintenance, but also providing more business in tires, bodywork, etc…
- Private renting, a relatively recent trend in Spain, is making these cars in the renting period rely more on the OE dealers than on the independent channel.
OE market shares are also improving thanks to the frequency drivers visit workshops. With a very detailed customer care service, supported by OE car manufactures, the workshop is able to provide a good, fast and reliable service to the customers.
What does it mean for independent workshops? How can they compete with OE Networks in Spain?
To know more about Spanish automotive aftermarket, contact GiPA at: communication@gipa.eu